Meet the Protestants!

On Thursday 23 January, in the week of prayer for Christian unity, we will visit the Lutheran Cathedral and meet a pastor who will present us to the church.
This is the plan:

For those who want, from 18:30: Dinner at RizRaz, Store Kannikestræde 19. We will eat a vegetarian Buffet (price 185 DKK), so as soon as you arrive, you can start eating. If you want to join for dinner, please let us know on the poll on our WhatsApp group (if not on WhatsApp tell fr. Daniel on

19:50: We meet at the entrance of the the cathedral, Vor Frue Kirke, Nørregade 8. We will join for a part of the service at 20:00 and will also have time to walk around in silence in the church.

20:45: We meet with the pastor Signe Malene Berg, who will introduce us to the Lutheran church in general and her ministry at Natkirken (Nocturnal Church)

You can join whatever part of the program that suits you best

CAYAC joins in the Jubilee Year in Rome

This year is a special Jubilee Year, and great things are happening in Rome!

The Pope is inviting all young people to meet with him from 28 July till 3 August (or just for the weekend 1-3 August). CAYAC will be joining, and more than 50 of you have already shown interest.

Check out the link and enroll to go to the youth jubilee 2025 with us!

The idea is not to travel together from Copenhagen, but to meet in Rome and stay together as a group there.

All the important information can be found in the link. Enroll until January 31st, but the sooner the better!

Movie night + Q&A with the director

On Tuesday 14 January at 8 pm we will see the documentary “A World Not Ours” about the life in a Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon. The movie’s director, Mahdi Fleifel, will come and respond to questions at the end of the movie.

We meet in Englesalen, the big hall behind the church. The entrance is from the parking lot on the left side of the church.

It will be possible to have dinner in the brick room before the screening of the film.

Ecumenical prayer

On Tuesday 21 January at 7.30 pm we will have a beautiful hour of prayer for the unity of Christians.
Christians from other churches will join us and after the service, we will meet for tea and cookies.
If you want to join the choir that will sing Taizé-songs please join us for the rehearsals on 14 January and on 21 January at 6.30 pm.

Masses in Christmas time

Our last CAYAC mass before Christmass is on Sunday 22 December. The next CAYAC mass is on Sunday 5 January.

Between 27 December and 3 January (both days included) there are no masses in the church or in the chapel.

These are our masses during the holidays:

23 December: regular weekday mass in the chapel

24 December: Christmas vigil mass at 9 pm in Polish in the church

25 December: Christmas mass at 10 am in Polish in the church

26 December: 2nd Day of Christmas. Mass in German at 11 am in the chapel.

4 January: Sunday vigil mass in Danish at 5.30 pm in the chapel

The King’s Interior Dwelling: A Carmelite Look on Prayer

“If we reflect, sisters, we shall see that the soul of the just man is but a paradise, in which, God tells us, He takes His delight. What do you imagine, must be that dwelling be in which a King so mighty, so wise, and so pure, containing in Himself all good, can delight tor rest? […] and the door by which we must enter this castle is prayer.” – St Teresa of Avila

How shall I enter this castle? Or maybe the better question is: “How do I pray?”

In next week’s Faith Formation Session, Julian will attempt to shine a light on just a bit of the immense wealth located in the Carmelite spiritual treasury, and how it can help us with our prayer lives.

If you have these questions, this session is for you!:

  • What is Prayer?
  • Who are the Carmelites? What is the Carmelite Spirituality?
  • How do I grow in prayer?

The talk will take place on 12/11 (Tue), 19:30 @ the Brick Room!