On Thursday 23 January, in the week of prayer for Christian unity, we will visit the Lutheran Cathedral and meet a pastor who will present us to the church.
This is the plan:
For those who want, from 18:30: Dinner at RizRaz, Store Kannikestræde 19. We will eat a vegetarian Buffet (price 185 DKK), so as soon as you arrive, you can start eating. If you want to join for dinner, please let us know on the poll on our WhatsApp group (if not on WhatsApp tell fr. Daniel on dn@jesuitterne.org).
19:50: We meet at the entrance of the the cathedral, Vor Frue Kirke, Nørregade 8. We will join for a part of the service at 20:00 and will also have time to walk around in silence in the church.
20:45: We meet with the pastor Signe Malene Berg, who will introduce us to the Lutheran church in general and her ministry at Natkirken (Nocturnal Church)
You can join whatever part of the program that suits you best