Movie Night – The Letter

On Monday 16th September at 8 pm we watch the documentary “The Letter” about Pope Francis’ encyclical, Laudato Si’ in Englesalen next to the church. Enter from the side door of the parking lot.

See more about the documentary here:

Drawn by desire – An introduction to the Mass

“We may not even be aware of it, but every time we go to Mass, the first reason is that we are drawn there by Jesus’ desire for us” (Pope Francis, Desiderio desideravi, 6).

The liturgy is the most central part of our lives as Catholics, and especially in the Mass we experience the amazing gift of God giving himself to us.

On five Tuesdays, we will explore the deeper meaning of what we celebrate in the Mass. Using “Desiderio desideravi”, a beautiful document on the liturgy published by Pope Francis in 2022, as a starting point, Fr. Daniel will introduce us to the meaning of the Mass.

Dates: 10/9, 17/9, 24/9, 1/10, 8/10. We meet at 7:30 pm in the Englesal.

Come join us in discovering and understanding more about the Mass, and see how you can take actively part in making our CAYAC Sunday masses even more solemn and beautiful.

It is our hope that these meetings will help us found a liturgy group that will take care of the shaping of our Masses. But everyone who is just curious about Mass are welcome to join the meetings.

Below you can find the text that we are reading

CAYAC Autumn weekend

We are planning a trip to Nordsjælland, the region just north of Copenhagen. It will be in the weekend 4-6 October. We are hosted by the monastery Vor Frue Kloster just next to one of the most beautiful forests of Denmark, Rude Skov. We also plan on visiting Frederiksborg Castle in Hillerød.

More information about the trip will follow.

Movie night – Juno

On Thursday August 15 we’re gonna watch a brilliant comedy with a serious plot: Juno.
The movie starts at 7.30 pm in the fireplace room behind the sacristy. Enter the side door of the church.

Masses starting again

From Sunday August 4th at 6 pm we begin having masses again. At the first mass 15 young Jesuits in formation from all over Europe will join us for the mass.
Weekday masses in Danish and English will begin from August 5th

No masses during the holidays

During the summer holidays there are no masses in Saint Augutine’s Church. The next mass will be our CAYAC mass on August 4 at 6 pm.

Save the date for our CAYAC weekend on September 13-15. More info will follow.

Movie night – Riders of Justice

Come join us Tuesday 18 June at 7.30 pm for the Danish movie “Riders of Justice” from 2020. It’s an action comedy with a profound message: Even the strangest bunch of lunatic individuals can find strength and healing in being a community.

The screenwriter and director Anders Thomas Jensen has been involved in 40 manuscripts of Danish movies and has even won an Oscar twice. This is probably his best comedy.

We meet in Englesalen behind the church. The entrance is at the side door at the left end of the church.

Movie night – Doubt

On Tuesday 14 May at 7.30 pm we watch the movie “Doubt” from 2008. The four main actors were all nominated for an Oscar for their performances. Come see Meryl Streep as a Catholic nun on our big screen in “Englesalen”!

You will find us from the side door behind the church.